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Health & Cleanliness

We all get the clear runny noses; it is as common as the changing weather. We as caregivers get the adventurous job of having to determine if it is a simple cold, are our children just teething, or are they coming down with the plague. No one likes the germs that make us sick. Please refrain from bringing in any children that are under the weather. Fevers, diarrhea, excessive coughing (especially that isn’t being covered), and thick mucous are just a few examples of when to stay at home. We reserve the right to ask a family to come back another day if their child is showing symptoms of being sick. We get it. It is NO FUN having to reschedule your playdate; but we ask that you do.

Learn more about our COVID-19 policies!

Cleaning Policy

We are dedicated to keeping our play town as clean as humanly possible, so you can have peace of mind that coming here won’t automatically mean in 2 days your child will get sick. Not only do we have dedicated time throughout open play where our staff picks up and cleans up; each evening on rotating schedules, the accessories from the playhouses are scrubbed and disinfected.