Popovsky Performing Arts Studio is coming back to Tiny Town with Music Together®!
Popovsky Performing Arts will lead you and your children in a mini Music Together® class, with music activities ranging from lullabies to full-on jam sessions (with child-friendly instruments, of course). In this energetic music class, everyone participates at their own levels: babies vocalize, listen, and observe; toddlers play and experiment; and preschoolers build confidence as they emerge as classroom leaders. Grownups join in on the fun, too, becoming musical models for their children whether they consider themselves musical or not! It’s so much fun you won’t realize how much learning is taking place!
Wiggling, singing, and laughing with your child is so much fun, it’s easy to forget how much learning is taking place! Our research-based curriculum not only develops music skills, it nurtures creativity, self-expression, and confidence while also supporting social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Because these benefits build over time, children enjoy the fullest growth in each of these areas when they participate as consistently as possible through childhood.
This class will be included in regular admission when you come play on February 1st for our morning or afternoon session!